Our Governors
The governors are very proud of the Duke of Bedford Primary School and value the opportunity to work with the Senior Management Team and staff members in supporting and monitoring the work of the school. They provide a link to parents, staff and the local community and have worked very hard to establish the firm relationship between all sections of the school community. All governors aim to promote high standards of educational achievement and set appropriate targets for school improvement.
If you wish to contact a governor please email: clerk@dukeofbedford.peterborough.sch.uk or chair@dukeofbedford.peterborough.sch.uk
If you wish to make a complaint, please refer to our Complaints Policy before contacting the school.
The Full Governing Body currently meets at least six times each year.
*VACANCY* Parent Governor
We have an exciting opportunity for a parent to join our Governing Board. Please see letter below for more information.
Parent Governor information letter