
Our Most Recent Ofsted report (June 2019)

What we are proud of:

  • We remain GOOD!
  • Pupils make good progress in English and mathematics because they are taught well. Teachers have good subject knowledge in these subjects and make learning fun and engaging.

  • Support for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is effective. Their progress is carefully monitored and, as a result, they are thriving.

  • Early years provision is good. Children make good progress in both the pre-school and Reception class. Adults know the individual needs of children well and plan engaging activities that help them to learn quickly.

  • Pupils’ behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. They have good attitudes to learning and enjoy their work.

  • Pupils say that they feel safe at school. They report that staff listen to them when they have a worry and respond quickly.

What we are working on to improve further:

  • Ensure that teachers pitch work at the right level for the most able and respond quickly when they are ready to have their learning moved on.

  • Improve the quality of pupils’ work in science, geography and history by:
    – ensuring that topics in these subjects are studied in sufficient detail to enable pupils to develop skills, knowledge and understanding more quickly
    – ensuring that pupils are expected to present work neatly all of the time.I


Ofsted reports for the past 10 years, including the most recent inspection, can be found by clicking here.